Sport belongs to every child. Let’s help them do it!
SOMETHING ABOUT ME: My name is Zdeněk Tomíček and I’m a running enthusiast. In the professional field I practice law (I’m a co-founder of international law firm CEE Attorneys) and I perform sport business through my FHS EA agency. For a few years I was a member of the Board of Directors at AMSP ČR (Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic) where I was supporting the interests of hundreds of thousands small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. My extensive business experiences thought me that the most important and also the most beautiful steps are those that help people that are not able to help themselves. That is why I decided to use my passions and try to help children that want to do sports.
EC HALFS PROJECT: The essential goal of this project is to combine my passion for running and helping children – those girls and boys that love sports but because of their difficult background are not able to do it at all or only
in unsatisfactory environment.
And how I plan to do it all? I will run 36 half marathons in European capital cities by the year 2030. It is the exact number of European capitals that organize half marathons and are also safe to attend. I will do my best to finish each race under finish time 1:50.00 (my actual personal best is 1:44.56). For every finished race I would like to manage the support from our partners to disadvantaged children that love doing sports. Whole support will be determined exclusively for these specific children.
PARTNERS OF THE PROJECT – MY EXPECTATIONS: Products or financial contribution of at least CZK 10,500 (approx. CZK 500 for every finished kilometer) for each finished half marathon according to partner’s choice.
These resources will be used exclusively for respective children and their sport activities. Expenses spent on my trips, trainings, entry fee etc. Will be paid solely from my own private resources. Each and every step will be completely transparent and the selection process of suitable candidates will be held by reputable foundations and charitable organizations.
PARTNERS OF THE PROJECT – WHAT I OFFER: I offer a good feeling about making the world a better place by making children happier and fulfilling their dreams. And as a bonus I offer a broad scale of online and offline visibility and networking.
Success Stories

Maruska came to the orphanage just recently due to the difficult situation in her family. She is very active in sport activities particularly in football and even joined a local football club. Therefore, we would like to thank the EC HALFS partners of the Sofia Half-Marathon – & @mizunoteam_czsk . Thanks to their support, we could make Maruska happy and contribute to her football passion.

Daniel is eleven-year-old boy with a quite complicated childhood. He was used to rejection and violence. He was in foster care but it did not ended up in positive way. Nowadays, he loves football and supports Real Madrid. Therefore, we would like to thank the EC HALFS partners of the Sofia Half-Marathon – & @mizunoteam_czsk . Thanks to their support, we could make Dan happy and contribute to his football passion.

Two-year-old Adamko is a passionate footballer, basketballer and also a bit of a firefighter. He loves sports just like his daddy. Unfortunately, fate is not always deciding the way we want and it took away Adamko’s very close person. Therefore, we would like to thank the EC HALFS partners of the Sofia Half-Marathon – & @mizuno_czsk . Thanks to their support, we could make Adamko happier and also support his passion for sports.
Our Team
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